St Marks Church Woodhouse, Leeds - Gateway

We have carried out a range of arboricultural work at St Mark’s Church, Gateway in the last 7 years. In 2015 we were asked to remove a diseased horse chestnut with bleeding canker, at the recommendation of Leeds City Council tree officers. In 2018 a large limb split out of an ash tree leaving an unbalanced canopy over a busy road. The presence of the aggressive fungus Inonotus Hispidus on the tree and its precarious location meant that a complex dismantle was required. This was conducted without any damage to the many gravestones below or any other targets. In 2021 a large poplar blew over in a storm, left partially hung up against a neighbouring sycamore. This was made safe, sawn up, and tidied as requested by the client. In all of these cases of tree failures and removals, new trees (standards) were planted by our team to replace the lost trees.